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The Psychology of Affordability

It is no secret that homeowners are wealthier than renters.  The good ole Fed has a Survey of Consumer Finances that is conducted every three years.  In 2022 the results showed the average homeowner has 38 times the amount of household wealth than a renter does. Our team has also done research on the mental health of homeowners versus renters and the many other benefits they enjoy, beyond the financial perks.  

Personally, I’ve been wondering how the drop in affordability when it comes to homes has impacted the average person on a personal level.  Specifically, I’m wondering how much does one’s inability to purchase home actually impact their level of satisfaction with life on the whole.  I have spoken with people across many age ranges, socioeconomic levels and demographics who justify renting because it fits their lifestyle.  I often sense something though.  Some shame or defensiveness…something a little salty in there. 

As a graduate student, I have access to research databases.  I went in a searched “Mental Health and Housing Affordability.”  I found a study that looked at the correlation between these two very things.  The research found such a strong relationship between housing affordability and mental health, that the authors urged lawmakers to make housing affordability a health equity issue. 

Here in my market, Northern Nevada, housing affordability for the majority of my career has been 100% (meaning that if you earned the median income for our area, you could afford the mortgage payment on the median priced home – assuming you had the down payment funds of course).  In the past 2-3 years, even if you have 20% down, that affordability index has dropped to 68% and I know that has an impact on the mental health of my community. 

It's part of the reason I started The Future is Female. 

I also know to be fact that when women do better, when women are financially empowered – their families do better.  The systems around them from their workplace to their friend circle to their church, those all improve also.  Entire communities do better when women are thriving.  So I want to help more women thrive by achieving financial security while aspiring for financial freedom.


The event is coming up Thursday, March 7 and I hope you are planning to join us.  Whether you are male or female – a real estate professional or not – this event is open to everyone and would benefit anyone looking for a community.  We gather twice a year to raise money for The Women and Children’s Center of the Sierra while learning about real estate investing, while having fun with our friends, while having a drink and taking pictures, while empowering and supporting other women with a variety of aspirations. 

Aside from the consistently incredible vibe, the speakers and workshop topics this time are really next level.  From the panel to the tactics, you will be inspired and then equipped to get out there and get started.  Just listen to what we’ll be covering. 

Taya DiCarlo is flying in from Los Angeles to share what she wishes she knew about real estate before she got married.


Jennifer Schumacher is joining us from Arizona to do some myth-busting about Section 8 Housing.


Melissa Sofia is traveling from San Diego to teach all of us the same mindset that she’s been raising her four children with, that we are truly limitless. 

Milana Ostroy is braving the pass from San Francisco to share her experience and knowledge regarding purchasing real estate for your children, trusteed investing if you want to get fancy with it. 

Our own local, Fether Dugan is going to get real personal and share how she survived the housing crash as an investor. 

Then, in line with everything you know about me and this brand, we’re bringing in a licensed clinical counselor and owner of the mental health agency Sojourn.  Ellie Holbrook will be diving into your relationship with money.


I’m telling you, this is not the event you want to miss.  The FOMO will be real and it should be because this is an amazing cause and amazing investment in yourself.  So grab your $97 ticket, 100% of which is donated directly to WACCS and we’ll see you Thursday. 

Tel: 775.287.9112 |  Fax: 775.201.7915 | Email: speterson@allwesternmortgage

295 Holcomb Ave Suite 250 -  Reno,NV 89502

Corp State Lic #204 | Corp NMLS #14210 | Branch NMLS #1166050 | Equal Housing Lender

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